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University of Maryland  F22 Department List

AASP African American Studies
AAST Asian American Studies
AGNR Agriculture and Natural Resources
AGST Agricultural Science and Technology
AMSC Applied Mathematics & Scientific Computation
AMST American Studies
ANSC Animal Science
ANTH Anthropology
AOSC Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
ARAB Arabic
ARCH Architecture
AREC Agricultural and Resource Economics
ARHU Arts and Humanities
ARSC Air Science
ARTH Art History & Archaeology
ARTT Art Studio
ASTR Astronomy
BCHM Biochemistry
BIOE Bioengineering
BIOL Biology
BIOM Biometrics
BIPH Biophysics
BISI Biological Sciences
BMGT Business and Management
BMSO Online Business MS Programs
BSCI Biological Sciences Program
BSOS Behavioral and Social Sciences
BSST Terrorism Studies
BUAC Accounting and Information Assurance
BUDT Decision and Information Technologies
BUFN Finance
BULM Logistics, Business, and Public Policy
BUMK Marketing
BUSI Part-Time MBA Program
BUSM Full-Time MBA Program
BUSO Online MBA Program
CBMG Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
CCJS Criminology and Criminal Justice
CHBE Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CHPH Chemical Physics
CHSE Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education
CINE Cinema and Media Studies
CLAS Classics
CLFS Chemical and Life Sciences
CMLT Comparative Literature
CMSC Computer Science
COMM Communication
CPBE College Park Scholars-Business, Society, and Economy
CPET College Park Scholars-Environment, Technology & Economy
CPGH College Park Scholars-Global Public Health
CPJT College Park Scholars-Justice and Legal Thought
CPMS College Park Scholars-Media, Self and Society
CPPL College Park Scholars-Public Leadership
CPSA College Park Scholars-Arts
CPSD College Park Scholars-Science, Discovery & the Universe
CPSF College Park Scholars-Life Sciences
CPSG College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change
CPSN College Park Scholars-International Studies
CPSP College Park Scholars Program
CPSS College Park Scholars-Science, Technology and Society
DANC Dance
DATA Data Science and Analytics
ECON Economics
EDCP Education Counseling and Personnel Services
EDHD Education, Human Development
EDHI Education Leadership, Higher Ed and International Ed
EDMS Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation
EDSP Education, Special
EDUC Education
EMBA Executive MBA Program
ENAE Engineering, Aerospace
ENBC Biocomputational Engineering
ENCE Engineering, Civil
ENCO Engineering, Cooperative Education
ENEB Embedded Systems & Internet of Things
ENEE Electrical & Computer Engineering
ENES Engineering Science
ENFP Engineering, Fire Protection
ENGL English
ENMA Engineering, Materials
ENME Engineering, Mechanical
ENPM Engineering, Professional Masters
ENRE Reliability Engineering
ENSE Systems Engineering
ENSP Environmental Science and Policy
ENST Environmental Science and Technology
ENTM Entomology
ENTS Telecommunications
EPIB Epidemiology and Biostatistics
FGSM Federal and Global Fellows
FIRE First-Year Innovation & Research Experience
FMSC Family Science
FREN French
GEMS Gemstone
GEOG Geographical Sciences
GEOL Geology
GERM Germanic Studies
GREK Greek
GVPT Government and Politics
HACS ACES-Cybersecurity
HBUS Interdisciplinary Business Honors
HDCC Design Cultures and Creativity
HEBR Hebrew
HESI Higher Ed, Student Affairs, and International Ed Policy
HESP Hearing and Speech Sciences
HGLO Honors Global Communities
HHUM Honors Humanities
HISP Historic Preservation
HIST History
HLSA Health Services Administration
HLSC Integrated Life Sciences
HLTH Health
HNUH University Honors
HONR Honors
IDEA Academy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
IMDM Immersive Media Design
IMMR Immigration Studies
INAG Institute of Applied Agriculture
INFM Information Management
INST Information Studies
ISRL Israel Studies
ITAL Italian
JAPN Japanese
JOUR Journalism
JWST Jewish Studies
KNES Kinesiology
KORA Korean
LACS Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LARC Landscape Architecture
LATN Latin
LBSC Library Science
LGBT Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies
LING Linguistics
MATH Mathematics
MEES Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences
MIEH Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
MITH Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
MLAW MPower Undergraduate Law Programs
MLSC MD Language Science Ctr
MOCB Molecular and Cell Biology
MSML Machine Learning
MUED Music Education
MUSC School of Music
NACS Neuroscience & Cognitive Science
NEUR Neuroscience
NFSC Nutrition and Food Science
NIAS National Institute of Aeronautics - North Carolina
PEER Health Center
PERS Persian
PHIL Philosophy
PHPE Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
PHSC Public Health Science
PHYS Physics
PLCY Public Policy
PLSC Plant Sciences
PORT Portuguese
PSYC Psychology
RDEV Real Estate Development
RELS Religious Studies
RUSS Russian
SLAA Second Language Acquisition and Application
SLLC School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
SMLP Southern Management Leadership Program
SOCY Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPHL Public Health
STAT Statistics and Probability
SURV Survey Methodology
TDPS Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies
THET Theatre
TLPL Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
TLTC Teaching and Learning Transformation Center
UMEI Maryland English Institute
UNIV University Courses
URSP Urban Studies and Planning
USLT Latina/o Studies
VMSC Veterinary Medical Sciences
WGSS Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WMST Women's Studies

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