Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.
ASTR100 | Introduction to Astronomy |
ASTR101 | General Astronomy |
ASTR121 | Introductory Astrophysics II - Stars and Beyond |
ASTR220 | Collisions in Space - The Threat of Asteroid Impacts |
ASTR230 | The Science and Fiction of Planetary Systems |
ASTR288 | Special Projects in Astronomy |
ASTR288I | Special Projects in Astronomy; Introduction to the Astronomy Major |
ASTR300 | Stars and Stellar Systems |
ASTR315 | Astronomy in Practice |
ASTR320 | Theoretical Astrophysics |
ASTR330 | Solar System Astronomy |
ASTR350 | Black Holes |
ASTR399 | Honors Seminar |
ASTR421 | Galaxies |
ASTR430 | The Solar System |
ASTR498 | Special Problems in Astronomy |
ASTR610 | Astronomical Instrumentation and Techniques |
ASTR688C | Special Topics in Modern Astronomy; Seminar in Modern Astronomy Research |
ASTR688E | Special Topics in Modern Astronomy; Exoplanetary Astrophysics |
ASTR699 | Special Problems in Advanced Astronomy |
ASTR799 | Master's Thesis Research |
ASTR898 | Pre-Candidacy Research |
ASTR899 | Doctoral Dissertation Research |