"Toya from UMCP just saved $128.06 off the University Book Center price"

S22 > UMCP > ASTR >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

ASTR100Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR101General Astronomy
ASTR121Introductory Astrophysics II - Stars and Beyond
ASTR220Collisions in Space - The Threat of Asteroid Impacts
ASTR230The Science and Fiction of Planetary Systems
ASTR288Special Projects in Astronomy
ASTR288ISpecial Projects in Astronomy; Introduction to the Astronomy Major
ASTR300Stars and Stellar Systems
ASTR315Astronomy in Practice
ASTR320Theoretical Astrophysics
ASTR330Solar System Astronomy
ASTR350Black Holes
ASTR399Honors Seminar
ASTR430The Solar System
ASTR498Special Problems in Astronomy
ASTR610Astronomical Instrumentation and Techniques
ASTR688CSpecial Topics in Modern Astronomy; Seminar in Modern Astronomy Research
ASTR688ESpecial Topics in Modern Astronomy; Exoplanetary Astrophysics
ASTR699Special Problems in Advanced Astronomy
ASTR799Master's Thesis Research
ASTR898Pre-Candidacy Research
ASTR899Doctoral Dissertation Research

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