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S22 > UMCP > BMGT >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

BMGT110Introduction to the Business Value Chain
BMGT110SIntroduction to the Business Value Chain
BMGT160The Intentional Self
BMGT190HIntroduction to Design and Quality
BMGT210Foundations of Accounting for Non Business Majors
BMGT220Principles of Accounting I
BMGT220HPrinciples of Accounting I
BMGT221Principles of Accounting II
BMGT230Business Statistics
BMGT230BBusiness Statistics
BMGT289ASocial Enterprise: Changing the World through Innovation and Transformative Action
BMGT289BHow Do Innovators Think?
BMGT289DFrauds, Scams, and Thefts: What, How and Why?
BMGT289EEntrepreneurial Thinking for Non-Business Majors: How Not to Miss Great Opportunities Your Life Throws at You
BMGT289IWhy Good Managers Make Bad Decisions
BMGT298ASpecial Topics in Business and Management; Sports and Entertainment Industry Management
BMGT298DSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Intentional Leader
BMGT299BStudent Initiated Special Topics; Applied Cloud Computing in Information Systems
BMGT301Introduction to Information Systems
BMGT301FIntroduction to Information Systems
BMGT302Essential Programming Skills for Business Analytics
BMGT310Intermediate Accounting I
BMGT311Intermediate Accounting II
BMGT313Financial Statement Analysis
BMGT313FFinancial Statement Analysis
BMGT321Managerial Accounting
BMGT323Taxation of Individuals
BMGT326Accounting Systems
BMGT332Quantitative Models for Management Decisions
BMGT340Business Finance
BMGT340NBusiness Finance
BMGT341Financial Markets
BMGT341FFinancial Markets
BMGT345Foundations of Financial Management for Non Business Majors
BMGT347Quantitative Financial Analysis
BMGT350Marketing Principles and Organization
BMGT350MMarketing Principles and Organization
BMGT350NMarketing Principles and Organization
BMGT360Strategic Management of Human Capital
BMGT363Leadership and Teamwork in Organizations
BMGT364Managing People and Organizations
BMGT364MManaging People and Organizations
BMGT364NManaging People and Organizations
BMGT365Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity
BMGT366Growth Strategies for Emerging Companies
BMGT367Career Search Strategies in Business
BMGT367FCareer Search Strategies in Business
BMGT369DExperiential Learning in Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Ladies First Founders
BMGT370Introduction to Transportation
BMGT372Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management
BMGT374Supply Chain Risk Management
BMGT380Business Law I
BMGT380NBusiness Law I
BMGT382Marketing and Innovation for Entrepreneurs
BMGT385Operations Management
BMGT390HDesigning Innovative Systems
BMGT392Introduction to International Business Management
BMGT397Mentoring Multidisciplinary Teams
BMGT398Individual Study in Business and Management
BMGT398AIndividual Study in Business and Management; Internship
BMGT398WIndividual Study in Business and Management; Junior Wall Street Fellows
BMGT402Database Systems
BMGT402FDatabase Systems
BMGT403Systems Analysis and Design
BMGT404Essential Data Skills for Business Analytics
BMGT407Information Systems Projects
BMGT408VEmerging Topics in Information Systems; Data Visualization and Web Analytics
BMGT410Government Accounting
BMGT411Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting
BMGT417Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships and Estates
BMGT422Auditing Theory and Practice
BMGT424Advanced Accounting
BMGT430Data Modeling in Business
BMGT431Data Analytics
BMGT434Analytics Consulting: Cases and Projects
BMGT435Business Process Simulation
BMGT438ASpecial Topics in Operations Management; Applied Quantitative Analysis
BMGT438NSpecial Topics in Operations Management; Product Management
BMGT438TSpecial Topics in Operations Management; Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Quality
BMGT440Advanced Financial Management
BMGT440FAdvanced Financial Management
BMGT441Fixed Income
BMGT442FAdvanced Portfolio Management
BMGT443Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management
BMGT444Futures and Options Contracts
BMGT445Banking and Financial Institutions
BMGT446International Finance
BMGT448VSpecial Topics in Finance; Text Mining for Economics and Finance
BMGT449FInvestment Fund Management: Lemma Senbet Fund
BMGT450Integrated Marketing Communications
BMGT451Consumer Analysis
BMGT452Marketing Research Methods
BMGT454Global Marketing
BMGT455Sales Management
BMGT457Marketing Policies and Strategies
BMGT463Cross-cultural Challenges in Business
BMGT466Global Business Strategy
BMGT467Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BMGT468PSpecial Topics in Management and Organization; Practicum in Global Business
BMGT468RSpecial Topics in Management and Organization; Fearless Founders: New Venture Practicum
BMGT468TSpecial Topics in Management and Organization; Creativity for Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs Outdoor Edition
BMGT468USpecial Topics in Management and Organization; Fearless Founders: Social Entrepreneurship Laboratory
BMGT468WSpecial Topics in Management and Organization; Social Innovation Practicum: Consulting and Venture Creation
BMGT472Purchasing and Inbound Logistics
BMGT473Supply Chain Consulting Fellows II
BMGT476Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management
BMGT477International Supply Chain Management
BMGT484Digital Marketing
BMGT485Project Management
BMGT490HQUEST Capstone Professional Practicum
BMGT491Scoping Experiential Learning Projects
BMGT495Strategic Management
BMGT495MStrategic Management
BMGT614Strategic Management
BMGT758ASpecial Topics in Business and Management; AI: Implications for Business Strategy
BMGT758BSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Brand Management
BMGT758CSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Consumer Behavior
BMGT758ESpecial Topics in Business and Management; Business Ethics
BMGT758FSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Market Forecasting
BMGT758NSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Negotiation and Conflict Management
BMGT758OSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Navigating Organizational Networks
BMGT758QSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Business Consulting I
BMGT758RSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Marketing Research Methods
BMGT758VSpecial Topics in Business and Management; Valuation in Corporate Finance
BMGT808DSpecial Topics in Information Systems; Special Topics in Information Systems in Economics I
BMGT808ESpecial Topics in Information Systems; Special Topics in Information Systems in Economics II
BMGT808RSpecial Topics in Information Systems; Research Seminar in Decision, Operations and Information Technologies
BMGT818RSpecial Topics in Accounting and Information Assurance; Workshop in Accounting Research
BMGT818YSpecial Topics in Accounting and Information Assurance; Management Accounting and Cyber Risk Management
BMGT828Independent Study in Business and Management
BMGT838MSpecial Topics in Operations Management/Management Science; Maching Learning for Casual Inference and Decision Support
BMGT838OSpecial Topics in Operations Management/Management Science; Operations Management Seminar
BMGT838PSpecial Topics in Operations Management/Management Science; Emerging Topics in Operations Management
BMGT838RSpecial Topics in Operations Management/Management Science; Research Seminar in Decision, Operations and Information Technologies
BMGT841Seminar in Corporate Finance
BMGT848BSpecial Topics in Finance; Special Topics in Seminar in Finance Methods II
BMGT848FSpecial Topics in Finance; Workshop in Finance Research
BMGT848TSpecial Topics in Finance; Industrial Organization and Financial Economics
BMGT858CSpecial Topics in Marketing; Consumer Behavior
BMGT858LSpecial Topics in Marketing; Marketing Strategy
BMGT858RSpecial Topics in Marketing; Marketing Research Seminar
BMGT868CSpecial Topics in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management; Career and Professionalization Workshop in Management and Organization
BMGT868ESpecial Topics in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management; Emotions in Organizations
BMGT868PSpecial Topics in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management; Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Presentations
BMGT868XSpecial Topics in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management; NDTIONS
BMGT878CSpecial Topics in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship; Cross Discilpinary Workshop in Strategy and Entrepreneurship
BMGT878JSpecial Topics in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
BMGT878OSpecial Topics in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship; Organizational Economics
BMGT878PSpecial Topics in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship; Strategy and Entrepreneurship PhD Presentations
BMGT878QSpecial Topics in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship; Historical Methods in Strategy Research
BMGT888ESpecial Topics in Supply Chain Management; Empirical Research in Supply Chain Management
BMGT888WSpecial Topics in Supply Chain Management; Workshop in Supply Chain Management
BMGT898Pre-Candidacy Research
BMGT899Doctoral Dissertation Research

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