"William from UMCP just saved $80.57 off the University Book Center price"

S22 > UMCP > ENES >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

ENES100Introduction to Engineering Design
ENES100AIntroduction to Engineering Design
ENES102Mechanics I
ENES108Achieving College Success: First Year Transition
ENES114Virtus Seminar II
ENES116FLEXUS Living and Learning Community Seminar II
ENES140Discovering New Ventures
ENES152Transfer LEAD Seminar II
ENES190HIntroduction to Design and Quality
ENES192Engineering For Us All
ENES210Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis and Decision-Making in 21st Century Technology Ventures
ENES214Virtus Seminar IV
ENES216FLEXUS Living and Learning Community Seminar IV
ENES220Mechanics II
ENES240Ethical, Policy and Social Implications of Science and Technology
ENES305RISE Leadership Seminar
ENES317Introduction to Leadership in Engineering, Science, and Technology
ENES338KTeaching and Learning about Cultural Diversity through Intergroup Dialogue; Equity and Inclusion in Engineering Design
ENES390HDesigning Innovative Systems
ENES397Mentoring Multidisciplinary Teams
ENES440Science, Technology and Society: Certificate Program Capstone
ENES459Study Abroad Special Topics in Engineering IV
ENES461Advanced Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis in Technology Ventures
ENES462Marketing High-Technology Products and Innovations
ENES466Leading and Financing the Technology Venture
ENES467Engineering for Social Change
ENES471Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship
ENES472Leading Global Teams and Engaging Across Cultures in Business, Engineering, and Technology
ENES481Engineering Honors Seminar II
ENES489ASpecial Topics in Engineering; Applied Quantitative Analysis
ENES489PSpecial Topics in Engineering; Hands-on Systems Engineering Projects
ENES490HQUEST Capstone Professional Practicum
ENES491Scoping Experiential Learning Projects
ENES498RSpecial Topics in Entrepreneurship; Fearless Founders: New Venture Practicum
ENES601Future Faculty Program Seminar I
ENES603Future Faculty Program Seminar III
ENES604Future Faculty Program Teaching Practicum
ENES662Innovative Ideas and Concept Development
ENES663Strategies for Managing Innovation
ENES666Creative Design, Prototyping, and Testing
ENES667Market Development and Commercialization
ENES672Launching Technology Startup Ventures

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