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S22 > UMCP > ENGL >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

ENGL101Academic Writing
ENGL101AAcademic Writing
ENGL101HAcademic Writing
ENGL101SAcademic Writing
ENGL101XAcademic Writing
ENGL121The Power of Song: Renaissance Lyric and Its Afterlives
ENGL125Why Poetry Matters
ENGL142Literary Maryland
ENGL146Seeing the Present: Graphic Storytelling in the Age of Social Media
ENGL202Inventing Western Literature: Renaissance to Modern
ENGL211English Literature: Beginnings to 1800
ENGL212English Literature: 1800 to the Present
ENGL222American Literature: 1865 to Present
ENGL233Introduction to Asian American Literature
ENGL234African-American Literature and Culture
ENGL235U.S. Latinx Literature and Culture
ENGL241What the Novel Does
ENGL243What is Poetry?
ENGL245Film Form and Culture
ENGL246Introduction to the Short Story
ENGL250Reading Women Writing
ENGL255Literature of Science and Technology
ENGL256Fantasy Literature
ENGL265LGBTQ+ Literatures and Media
ENGL271Writing Poems and Stories: An Introductory Workshop
ENGL272Writing Fiction: A Beginning Workshop
ENGL273Writing Poetry: A Beginning Workshop
ENGL275Scriptwriting for Theater, Film, and Television
ENGL280The English Language
ENGL290Introduction to Digital Studies
ENGL293Writing in the Wireless World
ENGL294Persuasion and Cleverness in Social Media
ENGL297Introduction to Professional Writing
ENGL301This is English: Fields and Methods
ENGL302Medieval Literature in Translation
ENGL312Romantic to Modern British Literature
ENGL313American Literature
ENGL329ASpecial Topics in Film Studies; Cinema of Liberation
ENGL329MSpecial Topics in Film Studies; Ecomedia
ENGL329YSpecial Topics in Film Studies; A Cinema of Migration as Message
ENGL344Nineteenth-Century Fiction
ENGL349JAsian American Literatures; New World Arrivals: Literature of Asian American Migration and Diaspora
ENGL352Intermediate Fiction Workshop
ENGL353Intermediate Poetry Workshop
ENGL354Intermediate Scriptwriting for Theater, Film, and Television
ENGL361Recovering Oral Histories
ENGL370Junior Honors Conference
ENGL375J.R.R. Tolkien: Middle-earth and Beyond
ENGL378GSpecial Topics in English; Science and Fiction: From Milton to the Moon Landing
ENGL378WSpecial Topics in English; Deep Time: Memory, Media, and Ecological Imagination in the Americas
ENGL379RSpecial Topics in Literature; The Jazz Paradigm
ENGL383Language in Its Social Contexts
ENGL384Concepts of Grammar
ENGL388DWriting, Research, and Media Internships; Dickinson Electronic Archives
ENGL388MMaryland General Assembly Writing Internship
ENGL388PEnglish Careers Internship
ENGL388TWriting, Research, and Media Internships; Digital Humanities Research Assistantship
ENGL388VUndergraduate Teaching Assistants in English
ENGL388WWriting Center Internship
ENGL390Science Writing
ENGL390HScience Writing
ENGL391Advanced Composition
ENGL391HAdvanced Composition
ENGL392Legal Writing
ENGL393Technical Writing
ENGL393HTechnical Writing
ENGL393QTechnical Writing
ENGL393XTechnical Writing
ENGL394Business Writing
ENGL395Writing for Health Professions
ENGL398AWriting for the Arts
ENGL398BWriting for Social Entrepreneurship
ENGL398CWriting Case Studies and Investigative Reports
ENGL398EWriting About Economics
ENGL398LScholarly Writing in the Humanities
ENGL398NWriting for Non-Profit Organizations
ENGL398RWriting Non-Fictional Narratives
ENGL398VWriting About the Environment
ENGL403Shakespeare: The Early Works
ENGL416Literature of the Eighteenth Century, 1700-1750
ENGL425Modern British Literature
ENGL428NSeminar in Language and Literature; Food Words: Stories, Being, and the Gut
ENGL428PSeminar in Language and Literature; Australia, New Zealand, and the British Empire
ENGL429Independent Research in English
ENGL435American Poetry: Beginning to the Present
ENGL439BSpotlight on Major Writers; Hemingway and the Pathos of Gender
ENGL439ESpotlight on Major Writers; Faulkner and the Rumor of Race
ENGL439JSpotlight on Major Writers; Race, Early Childhood TV, and the Legacies of Jim Henson
ENGL448CLiterature by Women of Color; Literature, Visual Culture and Art by Women of Color
ENGL449ASelected Topics in U.S. Latinx Literature; The Latinx Short Story
ENGL455The Eighteenth-Century English Novel
ENGL459CSelected Topics in LGBTQ+ Literatures and Media; Life Writings in Different Media
ENGL460Archival Research Methods in English Studies
ENGL462Folksong and Ballad
ENGL467Critical and Creative Approaches to Digital Textuality
ENGL469JThe Craft of Literature: Creative Form and Theory; Writing the Impossible: Fantastic Beings, Haunted Places, Other Worlds
ENGL470African-American Literature: From Slavery to Freedom
ENGL475Postmodern Literature
ENGL478ASelected Topics in Literature before 1800; Comedy and Cruelty
ENGL479FSelected Topics in Literature after 1800; Walking and Writing: The Plays, Screenplays and Teleplays of Aaron Sorkin
ENGL479MSelected Topics in Literature after 1800; Roots, Music and Film
ENGL479ZSelected Topics in Literature after 1800; South Asian Literature on the Move
ENGL483American English(es)
ENGL487Principles and Practices of Rhetoric
ENGL488GTopics in Advanced Writing; Rhetoric of Style
ENGL491Digital Rhetoric
ENGL495Independent Study in Honors
ENGL497English at Work
ENGL498Advanced Fiction Workshop; Advanced Fiction Workshop
ENGL499Advanced Poetry Workshop; Advanced Poetry Workshop
ENGL611Approaches to College Composition
ENGL626Readings in American Literature before 1865
ENGL658CReadings in Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the Americas; Narcolit and Narconarratives
ENGL679Professional and Career Mentoring for Master's Students
ENGL688Poetry Workshop; Poetry Workshop
ENGL689Fiction Workshop; Fiction Workshop
ENGL699Independent Study
ENGL702Cultures of Theory
ENGL749AStudies in Twentieth-Century Literature; Alimentary Tracts: Stories, Being,and the Ways of Food
ENGL759DSeminar in Literature and the Other Arts; Booklab: History and Futures of the Book
ENGL776Seminar in Modern Rhetorical Theory
ENGL789Form and Theory in Fiction
ENGL798BCritical Theory Colloquium
ENGL798DCritical Theory Colloquium; Digital Studies
ENGL799Master's Thesis Research
ENGL878Pedagogical Mentoring for Doctoral Students
ENGL879Professional Mentoring for Doctoral Students
ENGL888Practicum in English Studies
ENGL898Pre-Candidacy Research
ENGL899Doctoral Dissertation Research

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