Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.
PHIL100 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL140 | Contemporary Moral Issues |
PHIL170 | Introduction to Symbolic Logic |
PHIL203 | The Rights and Wrongs of Killing People |
PHIL205 | Are Sports Ethical? |
PHIL220 | Bioethics: Regulating Right and Wrong |
PHIL245 | Political and Social Philosophy I |
PHIL261 | Philosophy of the Environment |
PHIL271 | Symbolic Logic |
PHIL282 | Free Will & Determinism |
PHIL308U | Studies in Contemporary Philosophy; The Philosophy and Practice of Yoga |
PHIL318B | Studies in Epistemology/Metaphysics; The Wisdom of Crowds |
PHIL320 | Knowing Oneself and Knowing the World: Early Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Kant |
PHIL360 | Philosophy of Language |
PHIL364 | Metaphysics |
PHIL366 | Philosophy of Mind |
PHIL386 | Experiential Learning |
PHIL409X | Advanced Studies in Contemporary Philosophy; Quantum Mechanics and Metaphysics |
PHIL414 | The Philosophy of Aristotle |
PHIL428C | Topics in the History of Philosophy; Confucius and Socrates |
PHIL446 | Law, Morality, and War |
PHIL470 | Logical Theory II: Incompleteness and Undecidability |
PHIL498F | Topical Investigations; Topical Investigation |
PHIL498G | Topical Investigations; Topical Investigation |
PHIL688X | Selected Problems in Philosophy; Incompleteness and Undecidability |
PHIL788G | Research in Philosophy; Research in Philosophy |
PHIL788I | Research in Philosophy; Research in Philosophy |
PHIL799 | Master's Thesis Research; Masters Thesis Research |
PHIL808L | Seminar in the Problems of Philosophy; Recent Work in Philosophy of Language |
PHIL848 | Seminar in Ethics |
PHIL868 | Seminar in Metaphysics |
PHIL888 | Professional Mentoring for Doctoral Students |
PHIL889 | Pedagogical Mentoring for Doctoral Students |
PHIL898 | Pre-Candidacy Research |
PHIL899 | Doctoral Dissertation Research; Doctoral Dissertation Research |