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S22 > UMCP > SOCY >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

SOCY100Introduction to Sociology
SOCY105Introduction to Contemporary Social Problems
SOCY200Human Societies
SOCY201Introductory Statistics for Sociology
SOCY202Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology
SOCY203Sociological Theory
SOCY215Introduction to Environmental Sociology
SOCY224Why are We Still Talking About Race?
SOCY227Introduction to the Study of Deviance
SOCY230Sociological Social Psychology
SOCY241Inequality in American Society
SOCY242Sociology of Homelessness
SOCY298CSelected Topics in Sociology; Sociological Perspectives on Healthcare Policy
SOCY335Sociology of Health and Illness
SOCY370Transition from Undergrad to Professional
SOCY380Honors Independent Reading in Sociology
SOCY381Honors Independent Research in Sociology
SOCY383Honors Thesis Research
SOCY386Experiential Learning
SOCY399Independent Study in Sociology
SOCY410Social Demography
SOCY412Family Demography
SOCY413Sociology of Aging
SOCY428Research in Inequality
SOCY432Social Movements
SOCY470Sex, Family Planning, and Inequality
SOCY491Experimental Research Design
SOCY498CSelected Topics in Sociology; Sociology of Culture
SOCY498WSelected Topics in Sociology; Sociology of Emotions
SOCY498YSelected Topics in Sociology; Explaining Social Change: Fact and Fiction in Understanding Why Our World Looks the Way it Does
SOCY611Introduction to Demographic Methods
SOCY641Leadership in Diverse Organizations
SOCY643Power and Status in Organizations
SOCY672Introduction to Statistical Programming Using Stata
SOCY677Qualitative Data Analysis Practicum: Applied Team-Based Approaches for Secondary Interview Data
SOCY699Special Social Problems
SOCY699FSpecial Social Problems; Families and Modern Social Theory
SOCY699MSpecial Social Problems; Proseminar
SOCY699USpecial Social Problems; Researching the Middle East: Comparative Historical and Cross-National Survey
SOCY699WSpecial Social Problems; Combined Master's Research Paper
SOCY799Master's Thesis Research
SOCY898Pre-Candidacy Research
SOCY899Doctoral Dissertation Research

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