"Victoria from VT just saved $169.55 off the Virginia Tech Bookstore price"

F23 > VT > CS >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

CS1014Intro Computational Thinking
CS1044Intro Prog in C
CS1054Intro to Programming in Java
CS1064Intro to Programming in Python
CS1114Intro to Software Design
CS1944Computer Science 1st Yr Sem
CS2064Intermediate Prog in Python
CS2104Intro to Problem Solving in CS
CS2114Softw Des & Data Structures
CS2144Competitive Problem Solving I
CS2164Foundations Security Environ
CS2505Intro Computer Organization
CS2506Intro to Computer Organization
CS2964Field Study
CS2974Independent Study
CS3114Data Structures and Algorithms
CS3214Computer Systems
CS3304Comparative Languages
CS3314Prog Lang Theory & Practice
CS3414Numerical Methods
CS3604Professionalism in Computing
CS3634Comp Sci Foundations for CMDA
CS3654Intro Data Analytics & Visual
CS3704Intermed Software Des
CS3714Mobile Software Development
CS3724Human-Computr Intrctn
CS3744Intro GUI Programming/Graphics
CS3754Cloud Software Development
CS3824Intro Comp Bio Bioinformatics
CS3900Bridge Experience
CS4104Data and Algorithm Analysis
CS4114Formal Languages
CS4134Quantum Comp & Info Proc
CS4144Competitive Problem Solving II
CS4164Future of Security
CS4204Computer Graphics
CS4234Parallel Computation
CS4254Network Arch Prog
CS4264Principles Computer Security
CS4274Secure Computing Capstone
CS4304Compiler Design
CS4414Issues in Scientific Computing
CS4604Int Data Base Mgt Sys
CS4654Intermed Data Analytics & ML
CS4664Data-Centric Computng Capstone
CS4704Software Engineering Capstone
CS4774HCI Design Experience
CS4784Human-Computer Interact Capstn
CS4804Introduction to AI
CS4824Machine Learning
CS4964Field Study
CS4974Independent Study
CS4994Undergraduate Research
CS5020Software Des & Data Structures
CS5024Ethics & Professionalism in CS
CS5040Intermed Data Struct/Algorithm
CS5044Object-Oriented Pgmming Java
CS5045Computation for Data Sciences
CS5114Theory of Algorithms
CS5204Operating Systems
CS5244Web Application Development
CS5254Mobile Application Development
CS5304Trans Design and Con
CS5474Finite Difference Mth
CS5485Numer Analy and Softw
CS5504Computer Architecture
CS5510Multiprocessor Programming
CS5525Data Analytics
CS5560Fundamentals of Info Security
CS5565Network Arch and Protocols
CS5584Network Security
CS5594Blockchain Technologies
CS5604Info Storage and Ret
CS5614Database Management Systems
CS5624Natural Language Processing
CS5644Machine Learning with Big Data
CS5704Software Engineering
CS5714Usability Engineering
CS5724Models of HCI
CS5734Soc Comp & Comp Support Coop
CS5744Software Design and Quality
CS5764Information Visualization
CS5774User Interface Software
CS5784Software Project Management
CS5804Intro Artificial Intelligence
CS5805Machine Learning
CS5806Machine Learning
CS5834Intro to Urban Computing
CS5864Learning-based Computer Vision
CS5934Capstone Project
CS5944Graduate Seminar
CS5974Independent Study
CS5994Research and Thesis
CS6104Adv Tops Theory Comp
CS6204Advanced Topics in Systems
CS6564Multimedia Networking
CS6604Adv Tops Data & Info
CS6704Adv Topics S/W Eng
CS6724Advanced Topics HCI
CS6804Adv Topics Intell Sys
CS6814Science-Guided Mach Learning
CS7994Research and Dissertation

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