Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.
ECE1004 | Introduction to ECE Concepts |
ECE2024 | Circuits and Devices |
ECE2054 | Applied Electrical Theory |
ECE2214 | Physical Electronics |
ECE2514 | Computational Engineering |
ECE2544 | Fundamentals Digital Systems |
ECE2564 | Embedded Systems |
ECE2714 | Signals and Systems |
ECE2804 | Integrated Design Project |
ECE2974 | Independent Study |
ECE2994 | Undergraduate Research |
ECE3004 | |
ECE3054 | Electrical Theory |
ECE3074 | |
ECE3105 | Electromagnetic Fields |
ECE3106 | Electromagnetic Fields |
ECE3204 | Analog Electronics |
ECE3214 | Semiconductor Device Fund |
ECE3274 | Elctrnc Circuits Lab II |
ECE3304 | Introduction to Power Systems |
ECE3354 | Power Laboratory |
ECE3504 | Principles Comp Architecture |
ECE3514 | Data Structures & Algorithms |
ECE3544 | Digital Design I |
ECE3564 | Intro to Computer Networking |
ECE3574 | Applied Software Design |
ECE3614 | Intro Comm Systems |
ECE3704 | Cont and Disc Systems |
ECE4104 | Microwave and RF Engineering |
ECE4134 | Photonics |
ECE4154 | Space Weather |
ECE4194 | Engr Remote Sensing |
ECE4205 | Electronic Circuit Design |
ECE4220 | Analog IC Design |
ECE4224 | Power Electronics |
ECE4324 | Microgrids |
ECE4334 | Pwr Syst Ana & Cntrl |
ECE4424 | Machine Learning |
ECE4524 | Artif Intellig and Engr Appl |
ECE4525 | Video Game Design and Eng |
ECE4540 | VLSI Circuit Design |
ECE4554 | Intro to Computer Vision |
ECE4560 | Comp and Net Security Fund |
ECE4564 | Network Application Design |
ECE4574 | Large Software Dev Engr Sys |
ECE4580 | Digital Image Processing |
ECE4584 | Robotics Laboratory |
ECE4624 | DSP & Filter Design |
ECE4634 | Digital Communications |
ECE4664 | Analog/Dig Comm Lab |
ECE4684 | Network Science |
ECE4805 | Senior Design Project |
ECE4806 | Senior Design Project |
ECE4974 | Independent Study |
ECE4994 | Undergraduate Research |
ECE5014 | R&D Methods for Engineers |
ECE5104G | ADV Microwave & RF Engineering |
ECE5105 | Electromagnetic Waves |
ECE5134G | ADV Fiber Optics & Application |
ECE5154 | Optical Fiber Sensors |
ECE5164 | Intro to Space Science I |
ECE5194 | Remote Sensing Prin & Tech |
ECE5204 | Power Semiconductor Devices |
ECE5234 | EMI Noise Reduction |
ECE5254 | Power Conv Mod & Cont |
ECE5314 | Pwr Sys Oper and Ctrl |
ECE5424 | Advanced Machine Learning |
ECE5480 | Cybersecurity and the IoT |
ECE5484 | Fundamentals Computer Systems |
ECE5485 | Networks and Protocols |
ECE5504 | Computer Architecture |
ECE5510 | Multiprocessor Programming |
ECE5554 | Computer Vision |
ECE5560 | Fundamentals of Info Security |
ECE5565 | Network Arch and Protocols |
ECE5584 | Network Security |
ECE5585 | |
ECE5605 | Stochastic Signals and Systems |
ECE5635 | Radar Systems Design |
ECE5674 | Software Radios |
ECE5704 | Robotics and Automation |
ECE5744 | Linear Systems Theory |
ECE5754 | Applied Linear Systems |
ECE5774 | Nonlinear Systems Theory |
ECE5904 | Project and Report |
ECE5944 | Seminar |
ECE5974 | Independent Study |
ECE5984 | |
ECE5994 | Research and Thesis |
ECE6354 | Power Sys Dynamics and Control |
ECE6554 | Advanced Computer Vision |
ECE6564 | Multimedia Networking |
ECE7994 | Research and Dissertation |