"Emily from VT just saved $107.02 off the Virginia Tech Bookstore price"

F23 > VT > HNFE >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

HNFE1004Foods, Nutrition And Exercise
HNFE1114Orientation to HNFE
HNFE2014Nutrition Across the Life Span
HNFE2014HNutrition Across the Life Span
HNFE2104Moving Body, Moving Mind
HNFE2204Medical Terminology
HNFE2254Exer Ldrship-Group Fit Instr
HNFE2274Wilderness First Responder
HNFE2484Evi-Based Practice Health Sci
HNFE2544Functional Foods for Health
HNFE2664Behav Theory in Hlth Promotion
HNFE2804Exercise and Health
HNFE2824Athletic Injuries
HNFE2974Independent Study
HNFE2994Undergraduate Research
HNFE3024Science of Food Prep Lab
HNFE3034Methods Human Hlth Assessment
HNFE3114Foodservice and Meal Mgt
HNFE3634Epi Hlth and Disease
HNFE3804Exercise Physiology
HNFE4004Seminar HNFE Writing&Discourse
HNFE4024Emerging Issues in Dietetics
HNFE4025Metabolic Nutrition
HNFE4114Food Nutritional Toxicology
HNFE4125Medical Nutrition Therapy
HNFE4174Nutr and Phys Perform
HNFE4624Community Nutrition
HNFE4644Health Counseling
HNFE4754Adv Human Anatomy & Pathophys
HNFE4814Advanced Athletic Injuries
HNFE4964Field Study
HNFE4974Independent Study
HNFE4994Undergraduate Research
HNFE4994HUndergraduate Research
HNFE5114GAdv Food Nutrition Toxicology
HNFE5125GAdv Medical Nutrition Therapy
HNFE5154Res Meth Nutr and Phy Activity
HNFE5174GAdv Nutrition and Phys Perform
HNFE5184Adv Macronutrient Metabolism
HNFE5204Translational Science in HNFE
HNFE5304Princ Dietetics Nutr Practice
HNFE5334Clinical Nutr Care Applic
HNFE5394Prof Pract Nutrition Dietetics
HNFE5684Prog Dev in Health Ed
HNFE5754Internship in HNF
HNFE5904Project and Report
HNFE5974Independent Study
HNFE5994Research and Thesis
HNFE6064Advanced Topics in HNFE
HNFE7994Research and Dissertation

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