"Ana from VT just saved $132.95 off the Virginia Tech Bookstore price"

F23 > VT > HUM >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

HUM1324HUM: Mod World
HUM1604Intro Hum and Arts
HUM1704Intro to Appalachian Studies
HUM2404Folk Cultures in Appalachia
HUM2504Intro Amer Studies
HUM2974Independent Study
HUM3204Multicultural Communication
HUM3464Appalachian Communities
HUM4974Independent Study
HUM4994Undergraduate Research
HUM4994HUndergraduate Research
HUM5104Mat Cult & Pub Hum Theory
HUM5904Project and Report
HUM5974Independent Study
HUM5994Research and Thesis

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