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S22 > UMCP > MATH >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

MATH003Developmental Mathematics
MATH007Algebra for MATH 107
MATH013Algebra for MATH 113
MATH015Algebra for MATH 115
MATH107Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability
MATH113College Algebra and Trigonometry
MATH120Elementary Calculus I
MATH121Elementary Calculus II
MATH135Discrete Mathematics for Life Sciences
MATH136Calculus for Life Sciences
MATH140Calculus I
MATH141Calculus II
MATH141HCalculus II
MATH206Introduction to Matlab
MATH212Elements of Numbers and Operations
MATH213Elements of Geometry and Measurement
MATH214Elements of Probability and Statistics
MATH240Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH241Calculus III
MATH241HCalculus III
MATH246Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
MATH246HDifferential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
MATH274History of Mathematics
MATH299CSelected Topics in Mathematics; Mathematics and Music
MATH299ESelected Topics in Mathematics; The Mathematics of Erdos
MATH299YSelected Topics in Mathematics; Teaching Math to a Young Audience
MATH310Introduction to Mathematical Proof
MATH312Mathematical Reasoning and Proof for Pre-Service Middle School Teachers
MATH314Introduction to Probability, Data, Analysis and Statistics for Preservice Middle School Teachers
MATH341Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations II (Honors)
MATH386Experiential Learning
MATH401Applications of Linear Algebra
MATH402Algebraic Structures
MATH403Introduction to Abstract Algebra
MATH404Field Theory
MATH405Linear Algebra
MATH406Introduction to Number Theory
MATH410Advanced Calculus I
MATH411Advanced Calculus II
MATH416Applied Harmonic Analysis: An Introduction to Signal Processing
MATH420Mathematical Modeling
MATH424Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance
MATH430Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries
MATH437Differential Forms
MATH446Axiomatic Set Theory
MATH452Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos
MATH461Linear Algebra for Scientists and Engineers
MATH462Partial Differential Equations
MATH463Complex Variables
MATH464Transform Methods
MATH470Mathematics for Secondary Education
MATH475Combinatorics and Graph Theory
MATH489Research Interactions in Mathematics; Research Interactions in Mathematics
MATH498ASelected Topics in Mathematics
MATH601Abstract Algebra II
MATH607Algebraic Geometry II
MATH631Real Analysis II
MATH660Complex Analysis I
MATH674Partial Differential Equations II
MATH689Research Interactions in Mathematics
MATH713Mathematical Logic II
MATH729CAdvanced Topics in Communication; Classical and Quantum Codes
MATH734Algebraic Topology
MATH740Fundamental Concepts of Differential Geometry
MATH799Master's Thesis Research
MATH808ASelected Topics in Algebra
MATH808KSelected Topics in Algebra; Brauer Groups
MATH808VSelected Topics in Algebra; Shimura Varieties
MATH818ASelected Topics in Logic
MATH848ASelected Topics in Geometry and Topology
MATH848LSelected Topics in Geometry and Topology; Sympletic Geometry
MATH858ASelected Topics in Analysis
MATH858MSelected Topics in Analysis; asymptotic Methods
MATH858RSelected Topics in Analysis; Ramsey Theory and its Applications
MATH868ASelectedTopics in Complex Analysis
MATH868FSelectedTopics in Complex Analysis; Introduction to Teichueller Dynamics
MATH898Pre-Candidacy Research
MATH899Doctoral Dissertation Research

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