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S22 > UMCP > ANTH >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

ANTH222Introduction to Ecological and Evolutionary Anthropology
ANTH240Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH242Fire, Farming and Climate Change: An Archaeology Take on the History of Human Impacts on our Planet
ANTH260Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology and Linguistics
ANTH266Changing Climate, Changing Cultures
ANTH298BSpecial Topics in Anthropology; Selected Musical Cultures of the World
ANTH310Method & Theory in Medical Anthropology and Global Health
ANTH329TSpecial Topics in Archaeology; The Politics of the Past: Contemporary Israel and the Study of Archaeology
ANTH341Introduction to Zooarchaeology
ANTH358AUndergraduate Teaching Assistant; Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Archaeology
ANTH358BUndergraduate Teaching Assistant; Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Bio-Anthropology
ANTH358CUndergraduate Teaching Assistant; Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Cultural Anthropology
ANTH360Method and Theory in Sociocultural Anthropology
ANTH386Experiential Learning
ANTH398AIndependent Study; Research Problems
ANTH398NIndependent Study; Career Development for Anthropology Majors
ANTH411Anthropology of Immigration and Health
ANTH416Anthropology of Global Violence
ANTH464Anthropology of Cultural Heritage
ANTH467Researching Environment and Culture
ANTH476Senior Research
ANTH477Senior Thesis
ANTH481Environmental Ethnographies of Asia
ANTH485Honors Research Preparation
ANTH486Honors Research
ANTH487Honors Thesis
ANTH611Anthropology of Immigration and Health
ANTH616Anthropology of Global Violence
ANTH630Quantification and Statistics in Applied Anthropology
ANTH641Introduction to Zooarchaeology
ANTH655Introduction to Museum Scholarship
ANTH664Anthropology of Cultural Heritage
ANTH665Method & Theory in Medical Anthropology and Global Health
ANTH667Researching Environment and Culture
ANTH681Environmental Ethnographies of Asia
ANTH688ACurrent Developments in Anthropology
ANTH689ASpecial Problems in Anthropology
ANTH701Anthropology Internship Preparation
ANTH712Anthropology Internship Analysis
ANTH722Ecological Anthropology
ANTH740Theories of the Past and Accomplishments of Archaeology
ANTH745International Heritage Management
ANTH746Applied Archaeological Theory
ANTH788Internship Research
ANTH799Master's Thesis Research; Cultural and Heritage Resource Management Thesis
ANTH856Museum Research Seminar
ANTH857Museum Scholarship Practicum
ANTH898Pre-Candidacy Research
ANTH899Doctoral Dissertation Research

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