Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.
ME2004 | Eng Analysis Numerical Methods |
ME2134 | Thermodynamics |
ME2974 | Independent Study |
ME2974H | Independent Study |
ME2984 | |
ME2994 | Undergraduate Research |
ME3024 | Engineering Design & Econ |
ME3194 | Tech Innov Engng Sus Future |
ME3414 | Fluid Dynamics |
ME3524 | Mechanical Vibrations |
ME3624 | Mechanical Design |
ME4015 | Engineering Design and Project |
ME4164 | Energy Systems for Buildings |
ME4194 | Sustainable Energy Solutions |
ME4224 | Aircr Eng & Gas Turb |
ME4234 | Aerospace Propulsion Systems |
ME4524 | Robotics & Automation |
ME4544 | Automotive Engineering |
ME4554 | Adv Technology Motor Vehicles |
ME4564 | Vehicle Control |
ME4584 | Robotics Laboratory |
ME4624 | Finite Elem Practice |
ME4644 | Rapid Prototyping |
ME4664 | Intro Global Coll Engr Design |
ME4684 | Industrial Internet of Things |
ME4724 | Engineering Acoustics |
ME4734 | Robotics & Mechatronics Sem |
ME4744 | Mechatronics: Theory & Appl |
ME4974 | Independent Study |
ME4974H | Independent Study |
ME4984 | |
ME4994 | Undergraduate Research |
ME5014 | Training for ME Professoriate |
ME5104 | Thermodynamics: Found/Applic |
ME5184 | High Speed Propulsion |
ME5204 | Lab Techniques Injury Prev |
ME5264 | Mech Of Adhes & Inter |
ME5304 | Conduction Heat Transfer |
ME5404 | Fluid Dynamics |
ME5434 | Adv Intro Comp Fluid Dynamics |
ME5514 | Vibrations Mech System |
ME5544 | Linear Systems Theory |
ME5554 | Applied Linear Systems |
ME5574 | Nonlinear Systems Theory |
ME5634 | Fin Elem in Mach Des |
ME5644 | Rapid Prototyping |
ME5654 | Multibody Systems Dynamics |
ME5664 | Global Collab Product Dev |
ME5704 | Robotics and Automation |
ME5735G | Advanced Mechatronics |
ME5784 | Adv Industrial IoT Platform |
ME5804 | Actv Matls/Smart Struct-I |
ME5904 | Project and Report |
ME5944 | |
ME5974 | Independent Study |
ME5984 | |
ME5994 | Research and Thesis |
ME6984 | |
ME7994 | Research and Dissertation |